Bloomberg TV

Bloomberg TV

Bloomberg TV - цілодобовий міжнародний телевізійний канал. Носить інформаційний характер, з особливою часткою висвітлення новин бізнесу та політики. Bloomberg TV має студії в Нью-Йорку, Лондоні та Гонконгу. Всі програми для Bloomberg виготовляє власна команда, пропонуючи глядачам передачі виключно власного виробництва. Гостями студії часто стають експерти й аналітики, успішні бізнесмени та політики.

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  • 00:00 Bloomberg: Balance of Power.
  • 01:00 Bloomberg Wall Street Week.
  • 02:00 The Deal with Alex Rodriguez and Jason Kelly. Season 1, Ep 9. Mark Shapiro.
  • 03:00 Leaders with Lacqua. Brookfield CEO Bruce Flatt.
  • 03:30 Best of the Qatar Economic Forum, Powered by Bloomberg.
  • 04:00 The David Rubenstein Show. Season 8, Ep 17. Jerome Powell, Federal Reserve Chairman.
  • 04:30 Bloomberg Originals.
  • 05:00 Bloomberg Wall Street Week.
  • 06:00 The Circuit. Inside Mark Zuckerberg's AI Era.
  • 06:30 Power Players. Carli Lloyd Boosts Soccer as Only She Can.
  • 07:00 The Businessweek Show. Season 1, Ep 3. Moonshots.
  • 07:30 The Businessweek Show. Season 1, Ep 4. Ambition.
  • 08:00 Leaders with Lacqua. Brookfield CEO Bruce Flatt.
  • 08:30 Best of the Qatar Economic Forum, Powered by Bloomberg.
  • 09:00 Bloomberg Investigates. Season 3, Ep 1. Stealing The Gods.
  • 09:30 Power Players. Carli Lloyd Boosts Soccer as Only She Can.
  • 10:00 Bloomberg Wall Street Week.
  • 11:00 Bloomberg Originals.
  • 11:30 Power Players. Season 2, Ep 3. Shahid Khan Wants to Marry the NFL and EPL.
  • 12:00 Idea Generation.
  • 13:00 Bloomberg Wall Street Week.
  • 14:00 The Businessweek Show. Season 1, Ep 4. Ambition.
  • 14:30 Viceversa Media Travel.
  • 15:00 Leaders with Lacqua. Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard Jorgensen.
  • 15:30 Bloomberg Originals.
  • 16:00 The David Rubenstein Show. Season 8, Ep 17. Jerome Powell, Federal Reserve Chairman.
  • 16:30 Best of the Qatar Economic Forum, Powered by Bloomberg.
  • 17:00 Bloomberg Wall Street Week.
  • 18:00 Leaders with Lacqua. Emma Grede, Good American CEO and Co-Founder.
  • 18:30 Power Players. Season 2, Ep 3. Shahid Khan Wants to Marry the NFL and EPL.
  • 19:00 Bloomberg Originals.
  • 19:30 The Circuit. Inside Mark Zuckerberg's AI Era.
  • 20:00 The David Rubenstein Show. Season 8, Ep 17. Jerome Powell, Federal Reserve Chairman.
  • 20:30 Latitude.
  • 21:00 The Businessweek Show. Season 1, Ep 3. Moonshots.
  • 21:30 The Businessweek Show. Season 1, Ep 4. Ambition.
  • 22:00 RUIN: Money, Ego and Deception at FTX.